New Edition of the Guildry Newsletter – Summer 2017
The latest version of the Guildry Newsletter for Spring 2017 can be found here
The latest version of the Guildry Newsletter for Spring 2017 can be found here
To commemorate the 450th Anniversary of the Coronation of King James VI in Holy Rude in 1567, the annual King James VI lecture will be held in the Holy Rude Church on the 29th July at 7:30pm. Dr Steven Reid, Senior lecturer in Scottish History at the University of Glasgow,...
Please note that the Annual "Kirkin of the Council" will be held this Sunday the 25th June at 11.30am at the Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling. The Service will be conducted by the Revd, Alan Miller Guildry Chaplain. The Dean would appreciate a large turnout. please arrive early...
The latest version of the Guildry Newsletter for Spring 2017 can be found here
The Annual Guildry of Stirling Dean's Dinner took place in the Stirling Court Hotel on the University of Stirling Campus on Friday 10th February 2017 the Chairman for the evening was Alasdair L. Gammack, Dean of the Guildry of Stirling. Following the Grace given by the Rev Alan Miller (Chaplain...
I am proud to announce that our dear Friend and Guild Brother Robin Iffla is on the New Years Honours list. Robin well done, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person and so well deserved. He was made a Deputy Lord Lieutenant earlier this year and now soon...
To all members of the Guildry of Stirling, their families and friends from the Dean and his Council.
The new Dean of the Guildry of Stirling was installed on Wednesday 7th December 2016 at the AGM and Winter Court of the Guildry of Stirling. Congratulations to Guild Brother Alasdair Gammack.
All Guild Brothers are hereby "warned" to attend the Winter Court and AGM at 7:15 pm for 7:30 pm in the Guildhall. Following the Business Section, Guild Brother and Councillor Alasdair Gammack will be installed as the 270th Dean of the Guildry of Stirling. The speaker tonight is Guild Brother and...