The Dean’s Dinner – February 2017
The Annual Guildry of Stirling Dean’s Dinner took place in the Stirling Court Hotel on the University of Stirling Campus on Friday 10th February 2017 the Chairman for the evening was Alasdair L. Gammack, Dean of the Guildry of Stirling.
Following the Grace given by the Rev Alan Miller (Chaplain to the Guildry) a large attendance enjoyed a superb meal provided by the hotel. The Dean introduced the first speaker, Guild Brother Dr John N E. Rankin MB. ChB. DFM. (Retired) who gave an entertaining and very enjoyable poem ending with the toast to the Guildry of Stirling. The Dean then proposed the toast to the Benefactors. The Dean then introduced the second speaker Professor Judith Phillips OBE. Deputy Principal (Research) at the University of Stirling. Her talk mainly about her life experiences was perfectly executed followed by the Toast to the City of Stirling. Guild Brother John Barton gave the Vote of Thanks.
During the evening, the Dean presented a lovely decanter crafted by Guild Brother Graham Reed to Mrs Marjory McLachlan Lord Lieutenant of Stirling and Falkirk to mark her retirement. Also the Dean presented Guild Brother Michael Coleman with a token of our appreciation for the work he has done over the years as a member of the Dean’s Council.
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