Author - Guildry Admin

Veterans Service

Sunday 29th June 2014 Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling VETERANS SERVICE. Would any of the Brethren who plan to attend the above event contact the Dean to enable him to liaise with the Church regarding anticipated numbers for seating. He can be contacted by E-Mail on Guildry Clerk

Guildry Kirkin Service 2014

A message from the Dean. Guild Brothers  are reminded that on Sunday 11th May 2014 at the Church of the Holy Rude there will be a Kirkin Service for the Guildry of Stirling. The Dean would ask as many Guild Brothers as are available to attend.  Guild medals and ties  should...

Deans Dinner 7th February 2014

    Deans Dinner 7th February 2014 Park Lodge Hotel, Stirling 7pm for 7.30pm Tickets are still available priced £40.00 from Jim Mailer "Whyler Photographers"Back o Hill and Ian Carmichael "Bannockburn Post Office" Guild Brothers, Partners and Guests cordially invited. Speakers Include Sir Peter James Housden KCB Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government ( the toast to the Guildry of...

Rememberance Service 2013

Remembrance Service Sunday 10th November 2013 at 10.45am The service at the Church of the Holy Rude will be followed by the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial, Corn Exchange. Guild Brothers are requested to meet at the Guildhall before 10.30 am The Dean has also requested that Guild Brothers RVSP as...

Guildry Tartan

This tartan was designed by Dean Robin Iffla to celebrate the Guildry’s remarkable longevity and was ratified by the Council on 14th August 2013. The design is based in part on the Black Watch tartan, and recognises the association of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders with the City of...

Dean’s Dinner 2013

This year's Dean's Dinner will be held in the Park Lodge Hotel on Friday 8th February at 7pm. An entertaining and enjoyable evening is anticipated. Tickets  cost £35 each and are available from: Jim Mailer at Whyler Photography, Back of Hill Ind Estate (tel 474340); or 'Made in Stirling' shop, 58 Murray Place or Ian Carmichael tel...