Author - Guildry Admin

The Guildry Shop

Guildry Shop (open at all Courts) currently has the following items for sale: Cuff Links £5.00. Tie Bar £4.00 Lapel Badge £1.00 Tartan Tie £20.00 Tartan Bowtie £15.00 Rosette £15.00 Old Style Tie £15.00 (whilst stock lasts) Tartan Necklace/Bracelet Set £49.99

Winter Court and AGM

The Dean introduced the speaker on Wednesday 2nd December which was our Winter Court and AGM. Ms. Hilary Rawlinson the Secretary and Treasurer of the Auchinbowie and West Plean Ladies Club. Hilary gave a fascinating and detailed illustrative account of her role within the Ladies Club and explained what the Ladies...