Author - Guildry Admin

Winter Court and AGM 2014

Brethren are reminded that the Winter Court and Annual General Meeting will be held in the Guild Hall next Wednesday (3rd December 2014) at the usual time. This will also be an opportunity to purchase Dean’s Dinner tickets at the reduced price of £37.50 (full price thereafter). (Please note that...

Annual Remembrance Service

The annual Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday 9th November 2014 within the Church of the Holy Rude at 10:45am. As many Guild brethren as possible are requested to attend at the Guild hall by 10:30am for procession to the Church and thereafter to the Cenotaph for the wreath...

Past Dean George W Barclay

It is with sadness that I report the death of Past Dean George Barclay ( born 14/07/1926 Died 06/06/2014). George joined the guildry in 1974 and served as Dean from 1986 to 1989. He was a well known figure in Stirling and Bridge of Allan. We extend our condolences to his...