The Guildry Dinner – 25th September 2019
On Wednesday 25th September the Merchant Guildry of Stirling celebrated its 900th Anniversary in the presence of Royalty. Stirling Provost Christine Simpson who represented the City greeted Princess Anne after being presented by Alan Simpson Lord Lieutenant for Stirling and Falkirk.
Attendees were welcomed by the Queen Victoria High School Pipe Band who have close links to the Guildry over many years.
Alasdair Gammack, Dean of the Merchant Guildry welcomed the assembled Guild Brothers and Guests into Stirling Castle to help us celebrate this major achievement. The Dean said: The Stirling Dinner marks the high point of the Guildry’s year long celebrations and it did not disappoint.
It was a celebration of the City’s success and a appreciation of the Guildr’y role in making that happen. The contribution of the Princess Royal herself a longstanding Honorary Guild Brother, was immense and elevated the entire occasion.
“It was a special evening in a special place and we look forward to next 900 years”